Keynote Speaker: Lenore Anderson

We are very excited to feature Lenore Anderson as our Keynote Speaker. Lenore is the founder and president of Alliance for Safety and Justice, one of the largest criminal justice and public safety reform organizations in the nation. ASJ has won more than 100 reforms to reduce incarceration and expand community safety and trauma recovery programs across the country. ASJ's flagship program, Crime Survivors for Safety and Justice, activates survivors of violence to elevate their leadership and advance public policy reform. She is co-author of California's Proposition 47, a ballot initiative that reduced imprisonment and reallocated prison dollars to prevention and victim services, and she served on the executive committees for other key ballot measures across the country including Florida's Amendment 4 to restore voting rights to people with prior records. Previously, she served as Chief of Policy for the San Francisco District Attorney's Office, former director of public safety for the Oakland mayor, and the recipient of the James Irvine Foundation's Leadership Award and the American Bar Association's Crime Victim Attorney Award. She is the author of In Their Names: The Untold Story of Victims' Rights, Mass Incarceration, and the Future of Public Safety (The New Press: 2022).